Saturday, July 31, 2010


If I were a boy...
I want to be like my father..
who always look smart but casual..
I wanna be a star, FOOTBALL STAR
I always care about my hair..spike style maybe..hehehehe
wearing B.U.M. sneakers...but never go out with slippers..eyuuu~~
maybe cooking is my hobby...
also playing games...DOTA..(too jealous with haziq harun)
the conclusion..I wanna be a smart and handsome boy...(poyo)

If I were a boy,
I will appreciate all girls in the world..
showing my broadest smile to them..
always says thank you to them when they give help to me..
talking to them politely and never says harsh words to them...
listening to their problems patiently...
protect them in public...
sometimes says I love and miss them...
because they are all beautiful..

But I know, nobody perfect,
there might be some of my personality that make people says

"eyuuu~~what kinda boy he is??he is not my type k..."

but never mind... just like I said..

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A WEEK WITHOUT............??

salam alaik...heyy!!

even he/she is not really important to me,

even he/she is not my special person,

even he/she is not my admirer,

even he/she cannot give me happiness(because only ALLAH can give me that),

even he/she cannot give me 4.0 in this semester,

even he/she cannot love me like my parents love me,

but I just wanna say...I need him/her indirectly in my life...

he/she did evolve my stand before...

I really hope that I can meet him/her tomorrow...

who always make me smile even I am moody...

I hope 1 day I will let him/her go from my life... I really hope for that..sorry...


Wednesday, July 28, 2010


Salam alaik...
nak marah tak lepas..


amat perit..kalau nak ikut marah...lama dah aku maki hamun..(sori, aku panas baran sket)
tapi kalau dipikirkan balik buat apa??

kepada siapa yang saya nak marah tu??

kalau saya marah sekali pon, agak2 pihak yg membersihkan tangki air tu nak dengar x cakap saya??

jadi dengan setabah hati(perasan)aku mengambil keputusan untuk SABAR.
kalau nak ikut,kesabaran yg ada dlm diri aku ni hnyalah 5% saja..

org ramai kalau nak kasi nasihat kepada rakan mereka yg dlm kesusahan..mostly akan cakap..

"sabaq la wey.., ujian tu..ada hikmah pnya..sabaq naa.."
kalau versi boypren gan girlpren plaks...(ter "over sudey..)
"alaa mintak x dpt tolong ayang..ayang sabar ek...tamau nangis2..x comel"

haaaa......yang kat atas tu contoh mesti ada jawapan SABAR..bagi aku..sabar n hnya mmpu diucapkan kalau kita berada di tempat kejadian, i mean we are the victim in that hard situation..
betol x??sebab org laen x rasa apa yg kita rasa..

Berbalik pada masalah air tadi..
ayaq(sedap sket kalau ckp kedah n..hehe) start tadak kemaren..(27/7/2010)pagi..
nak p kelas pon tadak ayaq n..memang la terbaek dari ladang buncis..balik kelas pikiaq nak amik semayang(wudhuk) laen dah pulun(amik) ayaq kat masjid depan tu..memang licin ayaq kat masjid..memang air mineral la jadi air mutlak waktu tu..:)
call plak driver taxi kat Giant Nilai n, dia pon kata kat situ tadak ayaq..huh~~memang mati akal-
smpai la malam lepas balik dr meeting persatuan(PSSCM)...depa(dormates) ckp, lori ayaq dah smpai td..(aku terlepas!!!!)dormates aku dah wangi sebab dah mandi...terasa HANGAT di situ sabaq lagi...
Mardziah dormate ak masok toilet..tetiba dia jerit...ak pon terkezut jugak...ALHAMDULILLAH...ayaq dah ada..
apa lagi..ak pon berlari sekuat hati(hiperbola) ke toilet...huh~dan aku dapat tidur dlm keadaan badanku segar bugar...hik3..dan bermimpi indah kerana nikmat ALLAH yang ditarik sekejap sudah hadir kembali..
Subuhku pon dapat dilaksanakan..(kenapa tetiba ayatku skema??)
aku tidur balik selepas subuh...(maaf ya)
bangun untuk ke kelas.....AIR TIADA!!!!
memang la aku rasa mcm nak menjerit...
alhamdulillah..ayaq yang ditadah semalam ada lagi..jimat sebaek mungkin...
sampai la disaat ak menaip post ini...air maseh tiada....
harap maaf...ending story n tatau bila...:(
tapi moral of the story tetap ada...
gunakanlah nikmat air sebaek mungkin...SABAR...:))

Friday, July 23, 2010

coming back after almost a year

assalamulaikum...anybody home????
hehehehee...saya datang kembali bersama tora!!!!
sedaq x sedaq dah almost a year aku tak update blog n..
tah la kenapa...
tapi mulai hari ini..insyaAllah..ak akan try update blog n balik..

bnyakla cita baru neh..
yang pertamanya...i am not 'misi' to-be(nurse) dah..
now..i am psychologist-to-be...hik3..
ak dah tukaq kos..
dr budak nursing ke human science(social science)
dr budak science ak tukaq ke budak arts...
tersa kelainan di situ....
waktu amik borang (change programme application form) tu aku pikiaq bepuluh kali jugak sebab ini soal masa depan ak...
tapi setelah disupport oleh lecturer aku sorang neh..namanya..
Helmi Afizal Zainal
terima kaseh bro!!!;))

aku pon teruskan niat ak ini..
rezeki ak baek..
setelah menduduki qualification test..ak kini berada di UIAM Nilai...;))
ok la kawan..gtg..t kita sembang len..chow chin chow!!!
salam alaik..tke gud cre...